Lung Malformations: Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis and Obstetrical Management
Gheorghe Iliev, Irina Dumitrascu, Mihaela Grigore, Elena Mihalceanu, Daniela Scripcaru, Gabriela Zoican, Gabriel Aprodu, Anca Bivoleanu, Andrei Petrariu, Maria Stamatin
Citation Information :
Iliev G, Dumitrascu I, Grigore M, Mihalceanu E, Scripcaru D, Zoican G, Aprodu G, Bivoleanu A, Petrariu A, Stamatin M. Lung Malformations: Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis and Obstetrical Management. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 8 (2):134-143.
We present our experience in prenatal diagnosis and obstetrical management of congenital lung malformations (CLM).
Materials and methods
The diagnosis of CLM was performed during routine second and third trimester fetal morphology assessment. The extent of the disease was established according to the type, localization and size of the pulmonary lesion and the presence of fetal complications (mediastinal shift, fetal hydrops, hydramnios). Termination of pregnancy (TOP) was indicated in cases associated with extrapulmonary anomalies, untreatable cases and fetal hydrops. After delivery a pulmonary X-ray and surgical examination was performed in all newborns.
We diagnosed 15 cases with congenital lung malformations. Of these, 9 had congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM). TOP was performed in 6 cases with CCAM. Three cases had a favorable pre/postnatal evolution. Bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS) was diagnosed in 3 cases, all with favorable perinatal evolution. Right pulmonary agenesis was diagnosed in one case and the outcome was neonatal death. One case of congenital high airway obstruction syndrome was followed by TOP. One case of severe bilateral pulmonary hypoplasia (secondary to a severe bilateral hydrothorax) resulted in neonatal death.
Obstetrical management is established individually depending on the severity of the cases.
How to cite this article
Iliev G, Dumitrascu I, Grigore M, Mihalceanu E, Scripcaru D, Zoican G, Aprodu G, Bivoleanu A, Petrariu A, Stamatin M. Lung Malformations: Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis and Obstetrical Management. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014;8(2):134-143.
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