Christian Doppler first described the Doppler effect based on the changes in frequencies of light and sound produced by a changing relationship between two objects. Doppler ultrasound now provides practitioners with a noninvasive method to study fetal and placental hemodynamics. Doppler assessment of fetal circulation allows for the detection of pathologic rearrangements that occur in response to fetal hypoxemia, fetal growth restriction, and fetal anemia. Meanwhile, Doppler assessment of the placental circulation plays an important role in screening for impaired placentation and its complications, such as preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, and stillbirth. Novel use of three-dimensional (3D) power Doppler allows for investigation of morbidly adherent placentation. Doppler ultrasound continues to evolve to give practitioners a better understanding of the pathophysiology of a wide range of pathological pregnancies and their clinical management.
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