Citation Information :
Eichbaum Q. Telemedicine and Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 3 (4):11-15.
Telemedicine refers to the use of telecommunication technologies for the purpose of transmitting medical information between physically separated clinical sites, in order to provide health care to patients at such remote locations. Additionally, telemedicine can be used to educate health care workers and students at distant locations. Telemedicine technologies can be categorized as either ‘store-andforward’ or ‘interactive’ (or ‘synchronous/asynchronous’) depending on the timing of the transmission of information. This review focuses on applications of telemedicine to the field of obstetric and gynecologic (Obs/Gyne) ultrasound. It also examines the utilization patterns of telemedicine, as well as its costs and benefits. Finally, this article examines the role of telemedicine in medical education, specifically also with reference to Obs/Gyne ultrasound.
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