Citation Information :
Miskovic B, Ahmed B, Younis M, Abo-Yaquab S, Saleh H, Shaddad AN, Bahar AJ, Khenyab N. An Attempt to Introduce Neurological Test for Fetus Based on 3D and 4D Sonography. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 2 (4):29-44.
Fetal neurology is a new challenging field. Brain damage often originates in fetal life. Early identification of this damage has implications for perinatal management; moreover documentation of such lesions is essential in case of litigation. In the last two decades, fetal imaging with 2-dimensional ultrasounds and conventional magnetic resonance imaging have made a major contribution in the identification of classic brain lesions and malformations. However, it is only recently with diffusion weight imaging that the whole spectrum of perinatal white matter injuries has been described in the neonate. The recent advances of 3DUS and 4DUS in exploring fetal motor behavior should support a better clinical description of the full spectrum of fetal damage. New neurological test (KANET) of the fetus recently suggested by us (Kurjak et al 2008) might be helpful in the assessment of fetal neurobehavior.
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