Badreldeen Ahmed, Sanja Kupesic, Jose Maria Carrera
Keywords :
Early pregnancy ultrasound,morphological and biometrical ultrasound examination,differentiation between normal and abnormal pregnancy
Citation Information :
Ahmed B, Kupesic S, Carrera JM. Ultrasound Evaluation of Abnormal Early Pregnancy. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 2 (2):87-105.
Ultrasound examination has become the “golden standard” in follow-up of the development and complications in early pregnancy. With introduction of transvaginal sonography a possibility for early morphological and biometrical ultrasound examinations has been significantly improved. The essential aim of an early pregnancy ultrasound is not only to diagnose a pregnancy, but also to differentiate between normal and abnormal pregnancy. Application of color Doppler ultrasound has enabled functional hemodynamic presentation and evaluation soon after implantation.
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