Three-dimensional and Power Doppler Ultrasound of the Follicle and Endometrium on the Day of hCG Administration
Sonal Panchal, CB Nagori
Keywords :
3D power Doppler ultrasound,follicular assessment,endometrial evaluation
Citation Information :
Panchal S, Nagori C. Three-dimensional and Power Doppler Ultrasound of the Follicle and Endometrium on the Day of hCG Administration. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 2 (2):35-47.
The advances in ultrasound technology has changed the management of infertility. With the advent of color Doppler, pulse Doppler, 3D US and then 3D power Doppler the previously unexplained causes of failure of fertilization and implantation can now be explained. 3D and 3D power Doppler can now be used for the assessment of the maturity of the follicle and receptivity of the endometrium and can give better idea about the functional maturity of the follicle and the endometrium, to decide the timing of hCG administration for all assisted reproductive techniques for better pregnancy rates. The accuracy of diagnosis and monitoring of infertility treatments such as ovulation induction has greatly increased because of the availability of sophisticated ultrasound technology and equipment.1
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