Hari K Shrestha, Geeta Gurung, Suphatra Koirala, Ingima Shrestha, Siddhartha K Shrestha
Keywords :
Abdominal pregnancy, Magnetic resonance imaging, Placenta, Ultrasonography
Citation Information :
Shrestha HK, Gurung G, Koirala S, Shrestha I, Shrestha SK. Intraligamentary Pregnancy: A Case Report. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2021; 15 (4):411-413.
Intraligamentary pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy in which gestation grows between the folds of broad ligament of uterus. It is situated intra abdominally and retroperitoneal. It is an extremely rare form of ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy has been reported to occur in one out of 250 ectopic gestations. Here, we report a case of a primigravidae lady at 15 weeks of gestation, after ultrasound revealed with extrauterine pregnancy with a live fetus lying outside the uterus, which was then confirmed by MRI and revealed intraligamentary pregnancy in explorative laparotomy.
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