Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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VOLUME 10 , ISSUE 3 ( July-September, 2016 ) > List of Articles


Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Urogenital Anomalies

Ana Tikvica Luetic

Keywords : Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease,Urogenital anomalies,Ultrasound diagnosis

Citation Information : Tikvica Luetic A. Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Urogenital Anomalies. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016; 10 (3):301-307.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10009-1476

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-06-2017

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).


How to cite this article

Luetic AT, Kurjak A. Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Urogenital Anomalies. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016;10(3):301-307.

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