The present paper, and its graphic back-up, are intended as a visual testimony of the fact that 3D ultrasound is much more than a simple generator of “nice”, commercial, images. Moreover, its use may be extended from obstetrics to gynecological pathology, especially in cases related to infertility.
Material and methods
we performed a review of the main local infertility causes and their perception by the three dimensional ultrasound, as compared to the conventional methods. General literature citations were completed with personal cases and images. In our research we used a Kretz – Voluson Expert 730 ultrasound machine with a full logistic equipment. Our database was completed over a period of 18 months and included various pathology, such as uterine anomalies, fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts and many others.
Three dimensional ultrasound represents the best tool in evaluating the uterine cavity, the endometrium, assessing its volume and vascularity pattern. It also offers a very good image of the uterine structure, the adnexal morphology and their relationship. It performs a thorough pelvic assessment by a single examination. Moreover, it may realize a histerosalpingography, which is as efficient as the radiological method, but easier and with less side effects.
Even though it is technically more difficult and time consuming, a good practice and a high quality ultrasound equipment offer a series of benefits over any other kind of investigation.
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