Citation Information :
Pintucci A, Vincenzo, Addario D, Pinto V, Cagno LD. Three-dimensional Ultrasound of the Fetal Brain. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2007; 1 (3):17-25.
Three-dimensional ultrasound is the most innovating and attracting modality in the field of ultrasound imaging and represents a superb tool to perform an accurate fetal neuroscan. Once the fetal brain has been scanned, it is then possible to “navigate” in the stored volume choosing among the multiple scanning planes on the three orthogonal spatial axes. Last generation 3D equipments have multiple software facilities which are extremely useful to correctly evaluate the fetal brain such as the multiplanar view, the tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI), the volume contrast imaging in the C plane (VCI-C plane), the volume calculation, the surface rendering, the 3D color and power Doppler. Thanks to these imaging modalities it is possible to evaluate the finest anatomical details of the developing brain and to increase the diagnostic accuracy when an abnormal sonographic finding of the fetal brain is recognized during the routine examination.
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