PICTURE OF THE MONTH | https://doi.org/10.5005/jp-journals-10009-1603 |
SlowflowHD for Detection of Small Fetal Peripheral Vasculature
1,5Department of Perinatology and Gynecology, Kagawa University Graduate School of Medicine, Ikenobe, Miki, Kagawa, Japan; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Miyake Clinic, Ohfuku, Minami-ku, Okayama, Japan
2–4,6Department of Perinatology and Gynecology, Kagawa University Graduate School of Medicine, Ikenobe, Miki, Kagawa, Japan
Corresponding Author: Toshiyuki Hata, Department of Perinatology and Gynecology, Kagawa University Graduate School of Medicine, Ikenobe, Miki, Kagawa, Japan; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Miyake Clinic, Ohfuku, Minami-ku, Okayama, Japan, Phone: +81-(0)87-891-2174, e-mail: toshi28@med.kagawa-u.ac.jp
How to cite this article Hata T, Mori N, Yamamoto K, et al. SlowflowHD for Detection of Small Fetal Peripheral Vasculature. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019;13(4):155–158.
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None
SlowflowHD (GE Voluson E10, BT 19) is a new Doppler technology, which can visualize blood flow of smaller vessels in the branching vascular bed of the fetus and placenta. Its main characteristics are a high-display frame-rate, high-line density (high-resolution), and good sensitivity. In this article, we present our first experience of using SlowflowHD for the detection of small fetal peripheral vasculature.
Keywords: Color Doppler, Fetus, SlowflowHD, Small peripheral vessels.
SlowflowHD (GE Voluson E10, BT 19, GE Healthcare Japan, Tokyo, Japan) is a new Doppler technology, which can visualize slow flow of smaller vessels in the branching vascular bed of the fetus and placenta. Its unique characteristics are a high-display frame-rate, high-line density (high-resolution), and good sensitivity. On applying it, we can detect slow-velocity flow of fetal peripheral small vessels. In this article, we present our first experience of using SlowflowHD for the detection of small fetal peripheral vessels in various organs.
Small intracranial vessels can be clearly identified using SlowflowHD during pregnancy (Figs 1 to 3). The orbital vasculature can also be clearly visualized using this technique (Fig. 4).
Small fetal thoracic and intra-abdominal vessels can be clearly identified using SlowflowHD (Figs 5 to 14). Especially, the adrenal artery can be visualized using this technique (Figs 9 and 13).
Arm and leg arteries can be clearly noted using SlowflowHD (Figs 15 and 16).
Superb microvascular imaging (SMI) is a new color Doppler technology which can detect slow-velocity blood flow in the fetus and placenta.1–8 Superb microvascular imaging with Doppler luminance is the latest Doppler technology. It generates a gray-scale image (two-dimensional) to show SMI data (three-dimensional) utilizing shading to represent amplitudes of signals.9 SlowflowHD is almost the same technology as SMI with Doppler luminance. In the present study, we had the first experience of using SlowflowHD for the detection of fetal peripheral small vessels. As a result, very small intracranial, intrathoracic, and intraabdominal vessels could be clearly depicted in fetuses using this technology. Moreover, small vessels of the extremities could also be noted. Further studies involving a larger sample size are needed to ascertain the actual usefulness of SlowflowHD for the detection of small peripheral vessels of fetuses. Moreover, quantitative assessments of SlowflowHD signals are indispensable to assess the relevance of this technology for future clinical use and research.
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